Create and edit as many text areas as you need, then combine any or all of the text, in any order you like, into the Compile Area. Also, save it for later - no passwords, no nonsense.
If your browser supports HTML 5 (It does not), you can save, reopen and delete the information you type.
Saving is local, on this computer, not on ours. Your information does not leave this computer as a result of anything TypingPlace does. We never see it; we're not even interested.
If you leave this site and return to it later using this computer and this browser, TypingPlace should read the information you saved off of your computer and display it here, but we offer no guarantees. Use at your own risk.
“Not a drop of rain falls in the sandy desert or on the barren rock, however useless it may seem to be, that is not seen to be of value by God, and that is not designated to accomplish some important purpose there.”
–Albert Barnes, Notes, Job 38:26