Really, there is nothing to secure. None of the information you enter in any of the fields on any of the TextWidgets pages ever leaves your computer. All processes are performed on your computer. I never see any data you enter on these pages, and in any case, I'm not interested.
Doing anything else interesting on the Net?
Well, a few things: MemorizeNow helps you memorize stuff. OpenUpper lets you open multiple websites with a single click. SearchOpener lets you search multiple search engines at the same time. SilentPledge tracks a monetary pledge goal without showing what people pledged. Sacklunch is sort of an index of bits and pieces.
How do you make money with this thing?
I don't.
Hmm. Seems to be an awful lot of Christian stuff on this site.
Yeah, there is. Knowing Jesus has been the biggest blessing of my life. I still remember just praying and handing my life over to Jesus so many years ago, all alone, outside on the hillside, in the dark, and how it seemed at that moment that the stars all shown brighter and the air was more crisp and refreshing, and my heart was lighter. And I'm still blessed. Lots of ups and downs since then. Joys and pains. Lots of cringing at what some Christians do. A fair amount of cringing at what I've done myself, but still ... so wonderful.
I have a suggestion, bug, comment, praise, etc.
Feel free to send it to brad DOT haugaard AT gmail DOT com. But this is a very part time project. Don't expect quick action.
“Do all thou doest as unto Christ, as immediately dealing with Christ Jesus, as if he were looking on thee, and though on him, and fetch all thy strength from him.” –Thomas Wilcox, A Choice Drop of Honey